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3000 Leagues in Search of Mother (1976)

First air date: Jan 04, 1976
Episode duration: 00h 25m
Rating: (7.7) based on 142 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 52
Starring: Yoshiko Matsuo, Kazuyuki Sogabe, Yukiko Nikaido, Kiyoshi Kawakubo, Akiko Tsuboi
Created by: Isao Takahata
Genre: Animation, Action & Adventure, Drama, Family

Italy is in a deep depression, so to support her family, Marco's mother goes to Argentina to work as a domestic. But after she writes to her family that she is sick, her letters stop coming. So Marco decides to go to Argentina to look for her. He travels across Argentina to find her, meeting many wonderful people, and having many adventures during his journey.

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