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tv show poster Honeybee+Hutch 1989

Honeybee Hutch (1989)

First air date: Jul 21, 1989
Rating: (7.7) based on 3 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 55
Starring: سهير فهد, ماهر خماش, قمر الصفدي, هشام حمادة, Nadira Emran
Created by: Iku Suzuki
Genre: Animation

Honeybee Hutch (みなしごハッチ, Minashigo Hatchi, lit. Hutch the Orphan) is a 1989 remake of the 1971 classic anime series The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee. The show follows the original series' main storyline, and tells the adventure of a young bee who searches for his missing queen bee mother. Like the 1970 show, this remake is notable for its sad and cruel scripts, often featuring the deaths of the protagonist's friends

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