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tv show poster Traveler 2019

Traveler (2019)

First air date: Feb 21, 2019
Episode duration: 01h 20m
Rating: (7.7) based on 3 votes
Status: In production
Seasons: 2
Episodes: 20
Starring: Kang Ha-neul, Ahn Jae-hong, Ong Seong-wu
Created by: 조승욱, 최창수, 김멋지
Genre: Documentary, Comedy

Two men go backpacking to Cuba, the country full of their unique charms. For two weeks, they enjoy Che Guevara’s revolution of freedom, the exciting melody of Buena Vista Social Club, splendid old cars, and refreshment from Mojito. They find lodging by walking around, think about places to eat, sleep, and what to wear. Bargaining happens everywhere. They throw themselves into the unpredictable moments. Here are the two confused tourists with a backpack. Their travel starts now.

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