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tv show poster Telecat 1983

Telecat (1983)

First air date: Oct 03, 1983
Episode duration: 00h 05m
Rating: (7.2) based on 5 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 3
Episodes: 234
Starring: François Jérosme, Jean-François Devaux, Philippe Dumat, Maria Laborit, Valérie Kling
Created by: Roland Topor, Henri Xhonneux
Genre: Kids, Comedy, Family

Created by French surrealist artist Roland Topor and director Henri Xhonneux, Telecat is a news show parody hosted by a tomcat named Groucha (who always had his arm in plaster) and an ostrich named Lola. It featured a variety of sentient objects and revolved around the idea that the real-life elementary particles known as gluons were “the souls of objects”.

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