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tv show poster Mysterious+Island 1973

Mysterious Island (1973)

First air date: Dec 17, 1973
Episode duration: 00h 52m
Rating: (6.154) based on 13 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 6
Starring: Omar Sharif, GĂ©rard Tichy, Jess Hahn, Ambroise Mbia, Rafael Bardem Jr.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Mystery, Drama

During the American Civil War, five prisoners of war manage to escape in a balloon. They are driven far across the sea to an unknown island, far from civilization. The legendary captain Nemo (world star Omar Sharif), who is trapped in a huge underground cave with his submarine Nautilus, watches the group. When the stranded people are discovered by pirates, Nemo helps them with a host of his super technology...

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