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The Accursed Kings (1972)

First air date: Dec 21, 1972
Episode duration: 10h 16m
Rating: (8) based on 5 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 6
Starring: Jean Piat, Louis Seigner, Hélène Duc, Jean-Luc Moreau, André Luguet
Created by: Maurice Druon
Genre: Drama, War & Politics

It is the start of the 14th century and Philip IV the Fair reigns supreme over France. His three sons would rule after him. Isabelle, his only daughter, is married to King Edward II of England. Under Philip's reign, France is great but its people are unhappy. Only one power dares to stand up to him: the order of the Knights Templar. When the last Grand Master of the Temple, Jacques de Molay, is burned at the stake, he curses Philip and so begins a dark period, full of blood and violence, death and tears ...

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