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The Interceptor (2015)

First air date: Jun 10, 2015
Episode duration: 01h 00m
Rating: (5.6) based on 19 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 8
Starring: O-T Fagbenle, Robert Lonsdale, Anna Skellern, Trevor Eve, Lorraine Ashbourne
Created by: Tony Saint
Genre: Drama

A gripping eight-part series about a state-of-the-art law enforcement team whose unswerving mission is to hunt down some of Britain’s most dangerous criminals. The Interceptor delves into the adventures of a dedicated surveillance team known as the UNIT. Keeping their quarries under ultra-tight surveillance, they take us into the real world inhabited by the criminals of today. And it’s easy to recognize because it’s the same world the rest of us inhabit.

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