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tv show poster Tres+Ca%C3%ADnes 2013

Tres Caínes (2013)

First air date: Mar 04, 2013
Rating: (7.3) based on 252 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 80
Genre: Drama

The Castaño Gil family was a prosperous family of cattle ranchers whose son and eldest brother Fidel has made a great fortune. The Castaño family is marked the day Jesus Alberto Castaño, patriarch of the family, is kidnapped and killed by the FARC. From that moment on, the brothers Fidel, Vicente and Carlos are determined to put an end to the guerrilla and gradually form the largest army of the self-defense groups, which ends up increasing the armed conflict in Colombia, but whose axis of the plot is the betrayal between the three brothers that will tempt them to want to kill each other.

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