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Countdown with Keith Olbermann (2003)

First air date: Mar 31, 2003
Episode duration: 01h 00m
Rating: (6.3) based on 3 votes
Status: In production
Seasons: 5
Episodes: 308
Genre: News

Countdown with Keith Olbermann was an hour-long weeknight news and political commentary program hosted by Keith Olbermann that aired on MSNBC from 2003-2011 and Current TV from 2011-2012. The show presented five selected news stories of the day, with commentary by Olbermann and interviews of guests. At the start of Countdown, Olbermann told television columnist Lisa de Moraes: "Our charge for the immediate future is to stay out of the way of the news.... News is the news. We will not be screwing around with it.... As times improve and the war [in Iraq] ends we will begin to introduce more and more elements familiar to my style."

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