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tv show poster Lucky+7 2013

Lucky 7 (2013)

First air date: Sep 24, 2013
Episode duration: 00h 43m
Rating: (4.6) based on 10 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 8
Starring: Summer Bishil, Lorraine Bruce, Matt Long, Anastasia Phillips, Christine Evangelista
Created by: Jason Richman, David Zabel
Genre: Drama

What would you do if you won the lottery? How would it change your life? Follow a group of seven gas station employees in Queens, New York, who have been chipping into a lottery pool for years, never thinking they'd actually win. They need to be careful what they wish for, because while the money could solve problems for each of them, it will forever change the close-knit bonds these friends have formed.

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