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tv show poster Zorro 1957

Zorro (1957)

First air date: Oct 10, 1957
Episode duration: 00h 24m
Rating: (7.541) based on 169 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 2
Episodes: 78
Starring: Guy Williams, Gene Sheldon, Henry Calvin
Created by: Johnston McCulley
Genre: Western, Action & Adventure, Drama, Comedy, Family

Diego de la Vega, the son of a wealthy landowner, returns from his studies in Spain and discovers that Los Angeles is under the command of Capitan Monastario, a cruel man who relishes in the misuse of his power for personal gain. Knowing that he cannot hope to single-handedly defeat Monastario and his troops, Diego resorts to subterfuge. He adopts the secret identity of Zorro, a sinister figure dressed in black, and rides to fight Monastario's injustice.

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