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Last of the Summer Wine (1973)

First air date: Jan 04, 1973
Episode duration: 00h 30m
Rating: (7.1) based on 39 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 31
Episodes: 269
Starring: Peter Sallis, Frank Thornton, Jane Freeman, Jean Fergusson, Robert Fyfe
Created by: Roy Clarke
Genre: Comedy

Unencumbered by wives, jobs or any other responsibilities, three senior citizens who've never really grown up explore their world in the Yorkshire Dales. They spend their days speculating about their fellow townsfolk and thinking up adventures not usually favored by the elderly. Last of the Summer Wine premiered as an episode of Comedy Playhouse in 1973. The show ran for 295 episodes until 2010. It is the longest running comedy Britain has produced and the longest running sitcom in the world.

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