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I My Me! Strawberry Eggs (2001)

First air date: Jul 04, 2001
Episode duration: 00h 25m
Rating: (3.5) based on 2 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 13
Starring: Yuji Kishi, Kujira, Akeno Watanabe, Yuki Masuda, Omi Minami
Created by: Yom
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama

I My Me! Strawberry Eggs, occasionally shortened to Strawberry Eggs, is a 2001 Japanese anime television series animated by TNK with co-production by Pioneer, LDC. The series aired from July 4 to September 26, 2001 by WOWOW and in August 2002 was licensed by Geneon Entertainment.

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