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Come Back Mrs. Noah (1977)

First air date: Dec 13, 1977
Episode duration: 00h 30m
Rating: (5.5) based on 2 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 5
Starring: Mollie Sugden, Ian Lavender, Norman Mitchell, Diana King, Donald Hewlett
Created by: David Croft, Jeremy Lloyd
Genre: Comedy

Come Back Mrs. Noah is a British sitcom that aired on BBC1 from 1977 to 1978. Starring Mollie Sugden and Ian Lavender, it was written by Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft, who had also written Are You Being Served?, which had also starred Mollie Sugden. Joke banter was recycled from other series, and outrageously strange props were used. Come Back Mrs Noah was not a success, with some regarding it as one of the worst British sitcoms ever made.

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