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As Filhas da Mãe (2001)

First air date: Aug 27, 2001
Episode duration: 01h 00m
Rating: (5.5) based on 2 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 125
Starring: Fernanda Montenegro, Andréa Beltrão, Bete Coelho, Cláudia Raia, Raul Cortez
Created by: Silvio de Abreu
Genre: Soap

The central story is focused on the daughters of Lulu de Luxemburgo - Tatiana , Alessandra and Ramona, who fight among themselves for Jardim do Éden resort, which their father, Fausto Cavalcante , left behind after cheating his two partners, Arthur Brandão and Manolo Gutierrez. With the disappearance of Fausto, the whole family, which was separated and spread across the world (between Rome, Los Angeles and Las Vegas), returns to Brazil.

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