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The Rose of Versailles (1979)

First air date: Oct 10, 1979
Episode duration: 00h 24m
Rating: (8.3) based on 167 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 40
Starring: Reiko Tajima, Miyuki Ueda, Tarō Shigaki, Nachi Nozawa, Rihoko Yoshida
Genre: Drama, Animation, Action & Adventure

Raised from birth as a man, the Lady Oscar commands the palace guards at Versailles in the years before the French Revolution. Her beauty and noble spirit make her a shining figure in the eyes of both men and women but she is torn between her chosen life of service and duty to class and country and her own heart and desires. She lives as a noble amidst the opulence of Versailles but her keen senses and compassion are not blinded to the poverty of the French people.

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