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The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970)

First air date: Sep 19, 1970
Episode duration: 00h 25m
Rating: (7.514) based on 71 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 7
Episodes: 168
Starring: Mary Tyler Moore, Ed Asner, Gavin MacLeod, Ted Knight
Created by: James L. Brooks, Allan Burns
Genre: Comedy

30-year-old single Mary Richards moves to Minneapolis to start a new life after a romantic break-up. There she reacquaints with Phyllis who rents her a room, and meets her upstairs neighbor and new best friend Rhoda. Mary unexpectedly lands a job as associate producer at the TV station WJM, where she works alongside her bristly boss, Lou; the comical newswriter, Murray; and the newscast's often-incompetent anchor, Ted.

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