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tv show poster Jabberjaw 1976

Jabberjaw (1976)

First air date: Sep 11, 1976
Episode duration: 00h 30m
Rating: (6.538) based on 26 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 16
Starring: Julie McWhirter, Barry Gordon, Patricia Parris, Frank Welker, Tommy Cook
Created by: Joseph Barbera, William Hanna
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Kids

Jabberjaw (a 15-foot air-breathing great white shark) and The Neptunes (a rock group made up of four teenagers — Biff, Shelly, Bubbles and Clamhead) travel to various underwater cities where they encounter and deal with assorted megalomaniacs and supervillains who want to conquer the undersea world.

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