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tv show poster Mendelson 2023

Mendelson (2023)

First air date: Oct 02, 2023
Episode duration: 00h 25m
Rating: (9) based on 1 votes
Status: In production
Seasons: 2
Episodes: 16
Genre: Comedy, Drama

Fate played a strange joke with Airborne Forces officer Vladimir Mendin (call sign "Mendel"): his whole life is spent among women. Three daughters took over his house a long time ago, and there was almost no room for vests on the hanger between the dresses. One day, Mendel's life becomes even more "pink" when, according to the will of the deceased general, he gets a successful wedding salon, which is run by Lena Zhukova, a confirmed bachelor. And that would be all right, except that the general's widow and her new boyfriend seriously decided to take away the salon.

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