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The Mr. Magoo Show (1960)

First air date: Nov 07, 1960
Episode duration: 00h 30m
Rating: (6.7) based on 9 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 130
Starring: Jim Backus, Jerry Hausner, Daws Butler, Benny Rubin, Mel Blanc
Created by: Stephen Bosustow
Genre: Animation

The Mister Magoo Show is an American animated television series which was produced from November 7, 1960 to February 2, 1962. A single episode included five five-minute shorts and could either be aired together with bumpers as a single half-hour show, or it could be split up with one short aired each weekday, along with other cartoons. It was produced by United Productions of America.

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