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Third Time Lucky (1982)

First air date: Aug 06, 1982
Episode duration: 00h 30m
Rating: (6) based on 1 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 7
Starring: Derek Nimmo, Nerys Hughes, Debbie Farrington
Genre: Comedy

George Hutchenson (Derek Nimmo) and Beth (Nerys Hughes) were married for several years and, as happens during wedlock, this marriage was consummated and bedroom activities recommenced at least once more as they had two children in the form of Clare (Deborah Farrington) and Jenny (Lorraine Brunning). After seven years of marriage, George and Beth parted ways and both remarried: George to Millie (Angela Douglas) and Beth to Bruce (Clifford Earl). However, both of these second marriages also ended in divorce, so it's fair to say that George and Beth aren't having much luck when it comes to domestic bliss. And you'd be forgiven if they gave up on the whole marriage lark.

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