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Ellis Island (1984)

First air date: Nov 11, 1984
Episode duration: 02h 20m
Rating: (5) based on 8 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 3
Starring: Peter Riegert, Gregory Paul Martin, Claire Bloom, Judi Bowker, Kate Burton
Created by: Fred Mustard Stewart
Genre: Drama

Ellis Island is a television miniseries broadcast in three parts in 1984 on the CBS television network. The screenplay was co-written by Fred Mustard Stewart, adapted from his 1983 novel of the same title. The series tells the story of several immigrants from the late 1800s until the early 1910s, trying to achieve the American Dream and arriving on Ellis Island, hoping for a better life. Ellis Island highlighted numerous important events which occurred up to and during World War I, and many of the characters are based on real persons, such as Irving Berlin.

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