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tv show poster Michel+Vaillant 1989

Michel Vaillant (1989)

First air date: Jan 01, 1989
Episode duration: 00h 24m
Rating: (8) based on 2 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 65
Created by: Jean Graton
Genre: Animation

In 1967, French TV broadcast a dramatised adaptation of the series, Les Aventures de Michel Vaillant. 13 episodes in total, it featured stories written and filmed around the real life World Sportscar Championship, documenting Henri Grandsire driving an Alpine 110, interspersed with dramatic interludes acted by Grandsire himself. Episodes offer close up rare contemporary footage of races and cars that year at the Rallye Du Nord, Magny Cours, Nürburgring, Monza, Targa Florio, Le Mans, Monaco, Rouen-Les-Essarts, Sebring and Reims.

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