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60 Minutes Australia (1979)

First air date: Feb 11, 1979
Episode duration: 01h 00m
Rating: (6.5) based on 18 votes
Status: In production
Seasons: 13
Episodes: 314
Starring: Liz Hayes, Liam Bartlett, Michael Usher, Charles Wooley
Created by: Don Hewitt
Genre: News

60 Minutes, an Australian version of the U.S. television newsmagazine 60 Minutes, airs on Sunday nights on the Nine Network and is presented in much the same way as the American program on which it is based. The New Zealand version of the show has also featured segments of the Australian version. Gerald Stone, the founding executive producer, was given the job by Kerry Packer and was told: "I don't give a f... what it takes. Just do it and get it right." After the first episode was broadcast on 11 February 1979, Packer was less than impressed, telling Stone: "You've blown it, son. You better fix it fast." Over the years, Stone's award winning 60 Minutes revolutionised Australian current affairs reporting and enhanced the careers of Ray Martin, Ian Leslie, George Negus, and later Jana Wendt. Since it was first broadcast, 60 Minutes has won five Silver Logies, one Special Achievement Logie, and received nominations for a further six Logie awards.

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