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Macken (1986)

First air date: Aug 23, 1986
Episode duration: 00h 30m
Rating: (7.4) based on 23 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 6
Starring: Anders Eriksson, Jan Rippe, Knut Agnred, Claes Eriksson, Per Fritzell
Created by: Claes Eriksson
Genre: Comedy

Macken is a Swedish 6-part musical sit-com that ran on SVT in 1986. It was produced by Galenskaparna och After Shave and was a major breakthrough for the group. Some of the songs from the show became hits on Svensktoppen and a movie was made in 1990. The title translates as "the mack" with "mack" in this case being common Swedish slang for gas station.

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