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tv show poster Terry+and+June 1979

Terry and June (1979)

First air date: Oct 24, 1979
Episode duration: 00h 30m
Rating: (6.2) based on 11 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 9
Episodes: 65
Starring: Terry Scott, June Whitfield
Genre: Comedy

Terry and June Medford are both middle aged and beginning to find the trials of life are more difficult as they try to succeed in their daily lives. The couple have just moved to Purley, south-east London... Aunt Lucy and the mynah bird had disappeared, as had the occasionally visiting daughters. Terry and June now mixed with a friendly next door neighbour, Beattie; Terry's chatty work colleague, Malcolm; and their gruff boss Sir Dennis Hodge. Otherwise, things were much as before, with Terry's pigheaded childishness causing no end of problems, usually thwarting June's attempts at leading a cosy life.

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