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tv show poster Sugarfoot 1957

Sugarfoot (1957)

First air date: Sep 17, 1957
Episode duration: 01h 00m
Rating: (4.8) based on 5 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 4
Episodes: 69
Starring: Will Hutchins
Created by: Michael Fessier
Genre: Western

Sugarfoot is an American western television series that aired on ABC from 1957 to 1961. The series stars Will Hutchins as Tom Brewster, an Easterner who comes to the Oklahoma Territory to become a lawyer. Jack Elam is cast in occasional episodes as sidekick Toothy Thompson. Brewster was a correspondence-school student whose apparent lack of cowboy skills earned him the nickname "Sugarfoot", a designation even below that of a tenderfoot.

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