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tv show poster Spreadsheet 2021

Spreadsheet (2021)

First air date: Oct 20, 2021
Episode duration: 00h 30m
Rating: (6) based on 6 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 8
Starring: Katherine Parkinson, Katrina Milosevic, Robbie Magasiva, Rowan Witt, Zahra Newman
Created by: Darren Ashton, Kala Ellis
Genre: Comedy, Drama

Divorced, hectic mother-of-two, Lauren is looking for sex without commitment. With the help of best friend Alex, she develops “Spreadsheet”: a database of sex options, customised to ensure her sushi train of sex rolls around with variety and order amidst the chaos of her life. What Lauren didn’t expect was a slew of needy men, which apparently even a well-managed excel tracker can’t control.

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