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The Zoo Gang (1974)

First air date: Apr 05, 1974
Episode duration: 01h 00m
Rating: (7) based on 3 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 6
Starring: Brian Keith, John Mills, Lilli Palmer, Barry Morse
Created by: Reginald Rose
Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama

Six resistance fighters, known by their animal-based code names, fought during World War II. Their efforts came to a stop when one of their number, "the Wolf", betrayed them to the Gestapo. In their interrogation, one of their number, Claude Roget, the husband of Manouche was shot before her eyes. Thirty years later, Thomas Devon spots the Wolf in his shop. The surviving members of the Zoo Gang drop what they are doing and rendezvous for vengeance. The series follows the adventures of the remaining gang of four resistance fighters reunited 30 years later to scam habitual con artists and criminals in order to take their money and use it for good causes. Despite their ages, they put their skills and experience to use to raise enough money to construct a hospital in the memory of Claude. The gang is aided by the son of Manouche and Claude, an inspector in the French police.

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