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Los ricos también lloran (1979)

First air date: Apr 09, 1979
Rating: (4.7) based on 16 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 248
Starring: Verónica Castro, Rogelio Guerra, Rocío Banquells, Augusto Benedico, Alicia Rodriguez
Created by: Inés Rodena
Genre: Drama, Soap

Popular telenovela produced in Mexico in 1979, starring Verónica Castro, Rogelio Guerra and Rocío Banquells. Castro also sang the theme Aprendí a Llorar, a song written by Lolita de la Colina. The telenovela was produced by Chilean Valentín Pimstein and Carlos Romero, it was directed by Rafael Banquells. The story was written by Inés Rodena and adapted by Valeria Philips.

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