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tv show poster Lillie 1978

Lillie (1978)

First air date: Sep 24, 1978
Episode duration: 00h 50m
Rating: (8.2) based on 8 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 13
Starring: Francesca Annis, Anton Rodgers, Peggy Ann Wood, John Barcroft, Ann Firbank
Genre: Drama

The Rise and Fall of a Professional Beauty. It was the affair that shook Victorian society to its core. He was the Prince of Wales, the future monarch; she was a professional beauty, who became a royal bedmate. Follow the fascinating life of the Dean of Jersey's daughter from her modest childhood to her emergence as one of the most celebrated beauties of her time. Lillie's liaison with the heir to the throne marked only the beginning of a remarkable, scandalous and daring series of adventures in open defiance of accepted morality imposed by Victorian and Edwardian society.

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