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tv show poster Cheat+On+Me%2C+If+You+Can 2020

Cheat On Me, If You Can (2020)

First air date: Dec 02, 2020
Episode duration: 01h 01m
Rating: (7) based on 14 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 16
Starring: Cho Yeo-jeong, Go Joon, Kim Young-dae, Yeon-woo, Song Ok-suk
Genre: Comedy, Mystery

Kang Yeo-joo is a best-selling writer. She only writes crime stories, dealing with cruel murder cases. She constantly thinks about how to murder people for her novels. Kang Yeo-Joo is married to Han Woo-sung. He is a lawyer, specializing in divorce. He wrote a memo to his wife stating "If I cheat, I die."

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