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The Knights of Castelcorvo (2020)

First air date: Nov 06, 2020
Episode duration: 00h 25m
Rating: (6.6) based on 5 votes
Status: In production
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 15
Starring: Lucrezia Santi, Fabio Bizarro, Angela Tuccia, Gabriele Scopel, Giada Prandi
Genre: Mystery

Secrets. Mysteries. And frightening magical beings. The small town of Castelcorvo is not as rested as it seems and just a bunch of brave knight can keep it safe. Four kids - Giulia, Riccardo, Betta and Matteo - will have to solve mysterious enigmas and face their greatest fears to become the paladins who fight the evil that lurks in Castelcorvo.

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