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World War II: Race to Victory (2020)

First air date: Jun 14, 2020
Rating: (8) based on 2 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 6
Starring: Dr. Warren Dockter, Dr. Martin Folly, Dr. Andrew Priest, Dr. Peter Whitewood, Dr. Harshan Kumarasingham
Genre: Documentary, War & Politics

This 6-hour documentary series recalls one of the most thrilling races in history, between three icons, super powers and ideologies that came together to overcome a greater evil and achieve VE Day. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin find themselves in an uneasy alliance, fraught with power-struggles, false promises and deadly suspicions of each other. The series paints an in-depth picture of the race to power and victory during the war, to reach VE Day.

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