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tv show poster Fate 1978

Fate (1978)

First air date: May 15, 1978
Episode duration: 00h 50m
Rating: (9) based on 1 votes
Status: Ended
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 11
Starring: Saad Al-Faraj, AbdulHusain AbdulRedha, Abdelaziz Al-Nemash, Khalid Al-Obaid, Ghanem Al-Saleh
Created by: AbdulHusain AbdulRedha
Genre: Drama

"Al-Aqdar" (Fate) is a 1978 Kuwaiti drama that follows Khalifa, a man torn between tradition and change as he considers a second marriage to fulfill his dream of fatherhood. Set amid Kuwait's transformation following the oil boom, the series explores family conflicts and the impact of modernization on personal and generational values.

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